Thursday, February 26, 2009

this morning

so this morning started off a little rough, when the girls got up I wasn't ready for it, fortunately my wife took care of everything and even took them out of the room when it seemed like they weren't going to calm down at all and daddy got an extra hour of sleep. Well Karly's been teething so it's been rough on her and all she seems to want is mommy lately, when she doesn't get what she wants, or mommy's taking care of her other baby, karly screams and yells at the top of her lungs and nothing will comfort her, this morning it started to get to me, her scream is ear ringing so listening to that since I woke up set me a little on edge. My wife started out trying farina this morning, why? I don't know, I just know she did and it was too hot for them to eat initially. Karly seemed to like it but Katie either didn't like it or it was too hot for her, from my experience, she makes the face she made when something is too hot for her, I've given her vegetables that were too hot and that's what I saw then and what I thought I saw now. So I said, probably in a voice too roughly that maybe it was too hot, big mistake, I got attitude for it and told, "if you want to feed her, then go ahead". I was having problem feeding my own baby and from my touch test on her food, it felt hot to me, but what do I know, I'm clueless. Anyway, frustrated with karly's yelling, and my wife's answer I reacted badly and made a mess of breakfast. I pulled a spoon away from karly, too hard and I should know better, I gave her the spoon because when I took it away she screamed more and when she dropped the spoon, I tossed the bowl towards her because it's obvious that's what she wanted and it would keep her quiet...mistake #2 on my part. and then the comment was made that is going to annoy me and bother me the rest of the day was made, "don't you have to go to work?......and "she wasn't screaming like this before you woke up." WTF? She's been screaming like this for the better part of 4 months, especially during meals I've noticed but all of a sudden, it's all my fault??????????? "She knows youre upset and that's why she is crying/acting like this" she's been crying and acting like this since that first tooth came in, but I guess somehow it's all my fault. I do take responsibility for my actions this morning, I should have just let then roll off my back and get on with my day, I didn't and now I don't know how the rest of the day is going to go. Should be interesting

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Last couple of days

It's been an interesting couple of days. Saturday was my first day off in a long time and I took it because tina had a teacher's conference and I watched the kids alone in the morning for the first time in a while. and they were perfect angels, they let daddy sleep until 8, didn't fuss when he went to get their bottles and went to nap right after their breakfast was done...perfect, a dad could get used to this.
we then went out ran a couple of errands and had dinner at Jose Tejas in fairfield on 46, for those who don't know it, it might be the most perfect restaurant ever. Loud atmosphere, country music playing overhead and great food at good prices make this place a must try. where else are you going to get fillet mignon fajitas, yeah I said that, for $14.99. They have a great selection of cajun and texican food on the menu and nothing is over $18 I think. and for our future, they have a $2.98 kids menu which is great in this economy. I can't reccommend this place enough, just drive up 46 past willowbrook mall and find the big EAT sign, you can't miss it.
Sunday we just decided to sit around and do nothing, which is my favorite lol
Monday was work and I finally found the backyardigans cd I've been looking for for 2 days, somehow it got into our file one will admit to putting it there though. oh well
today wasn't bad, it wasn't good but wasn't bad. karly's 2nd tooth popped out so I think she's a little more angstier than usual, which I can understand. She's so little, it's hard to imagine her with any teeth, let alone 2. She's also starting to give us reason to worry because everytime you turn around she is trying to get into trouble. She'll go from grabbing paper she shouldn't and when you move her, she'll grab her sister when she shouldnt lol. She is such a character I love her to death, she might be the end of all of us in this house, but it will be a fun way to go. Katie has become very clingy lately and it's also cute, she holds her arms out and leans in for a hug if you are sitting on the floor in front of her, it is the cutest thing ever lol I love her so much and kissing those chubby cheeks makes everything disappear, it's great. I haven't been this happy in a long time and I hope it keeps going and going

Thursday, February 19, 2009

putting my babies to sleep

Well today was a good day. After feeding them with my wife, we brought them upstairs to play where they fussed a little and tina decided to lay down with them and take a nap, and nap did they do, they slept through me leaving for work and then some time after that. When I got home it was time for dinner so I gave them peas and brown rice from earth's best and they absolutely loved it. Katie was making all kinds of noises while eating and she never does that. It made daddy so proud. After mommy gave the girls baths, daddy did something he hardly ever does, and doesn't know why, he put his girls to bed after their bottles. Mommy never gets a night off of this job but her show was on tonight and it's been a tough week for her not feeling the best and working through it at home and going to actual work so I took over for her. I read to the girls to try and relax them and it worked for a bit but katie reeeeeeeeeeally wanted her bottle so she got it and daddy finished the book. Katie finished her bottle first, whined because although she got as much as she always does, it was through a cross-cut nipple so she downed it in no time and since it didn't take an hour for her to finish it, she thought she wasn't getting enough, I gave her her horsey and watched the eyes rolled back in her head and she was out. Mommy came in, gave her a kiss and she was off to bed. Karly took a little longer to drink her bottle but when she was finished, half asleep, I put her in the crib. She whined when I put her in and then cried and before she had a chance to wake up her sister, she was in daddy's arms quickly. I know I shouldn't have done that, but that little girl, both in fact, have daddy wrapped around their fingers. Well Karly got daddy to slow dance her around the bedroom and even sing the song on the radio to her, albeit the song was "Always on my mind" by Willie Nelson, I admit an odd song to sing to one's daughter, but it worked because her eyes drooped, I put her in the crib and haven't heard a peep from her since...It felt good putting my girls to sleep, it's been a while since I have done it, but it won't be that long before I do it again and that's a promise I am making to myself.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I know I'm supposed to resting, I have a throat infection but I just discovered the most helpless feeling in the world. Me and my wife are both sick, she has an upper respiratory infection and I have a throat and adenoid infection. my wife told me I shouldn't kiss the babies or even breathe on them because until I get my medication I am contagious, I understand this on a intelligence level, but my heart can hear karly crying downstairs with her grandmother and all I want to do is run down there, take her in my arms and give her all the hugs and kisses she can handle until she give me that wide open toothless mouth smile she does and everything is alright again. But I can't and that's the helpless part, and it's killing me. She's such a sweet baby, my karly, she's little and loud but she is a ton of fun. She loves horsing around and being wiggled about and it's the best feeling in the world to go get her in her crib and the first thing she does is give you that huge takes my breath away every single time. Katie is definately the more reserved of the 2 and quite frankly may be the sweetest baby ever. She's quiet, really really quiet...yeah she can make her noise every now and again, but sometimes you can give her a toy, and she'll bite on that sucker and play with it and you can forget she's even She is starting to come out of her shell lately and if she wants to be picked up now, she raises her arms up high asking you to pick her up and that's also the greatest feeling in the world and also takes my breath away every single time. I don't know what I did to deserve 2 loving, adorable babies and the most understanding wife ever. It must have been in another life, cause in this one, I can be a pain in the a$$, just ask my wife. But she loves me regardless of my stupidity at times and I will be forever grateful for the love she gives me and the family that we have started to build together.I don't know what I expected from having twins. At first when we found out we were having twins I didn't know what to think..2 babies?? at the same time? what are we going to do? After the initial shock and thoughts of leaving home..ha ha ha A peaceful calm came over me, heck my wife is a daycare provider, she took care of 15 two year olds a day, she can handle 2 of our own. and together, mostly her doing, we have done a pretty good job so far, both girls are growing well, karly is a little behind because of her reflux, they are progressing in their age goals, katie has discovered the concept of everything is mine and karly has discovered the way to get her things back from katie is to take them But it hasn't been as hard as I thought it was going to be, sure I miss sleeping in on off days, and sharing a bed with a 19 lb. girl occasionally can make you sleep at awkward angles and make you feel muscles you've never even knew you had but it's all a giant pleasure when you look into those beautiful eyes and see the love in them and the needing and wanting of your attention or when the first thing you see in the morning is your loving wife next to you and in between the blue eyes of a little girl who's been trying to get your attention for the better part of an hour, scratching you, and doing everything she can because she wants her bottle or just wants you to acknowledge her. It's only a feeling you can get from being a parent and after becoming one, you start to believe all those stupid quotes and cliches you heard before you were a parent and dismissed as just that, stupid quotes and cliches from people who were brainwashed. The truth is, they aren't stupid, they are the god's honest truth and if you want to feel the most incredible feeling in the world, become a parent one day and the day you do will become the best day of your life and then every day after that, becomes the best day of your life